all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 6AA 2 1 53.965887 -1.091434
YO30 6AB 1 1 53.96612 -1.092502
YO30 6AE 20 3 53.966572 -1.091562
YO30 6AG 9 0 53.968417 -1.09073
YO30 6AL 2 1 53.966916 -1.093211
YO30 6AQ 35 2 53.967783 -1.091307
YO30 6AR 14 0 53.968545 -1.09344
YO30 6AS 28 1 53.967665 -1.095914
YO30 6AW 20 6 53.9679 -1.093713
YO30 6AX 45 0 53.969105 -1.093824
YO30 6AY 61 1 53.969912 -1.092359
YO30 6AZ 10 0 53.968944 -1.092685
YO30 6BA 29 6 53.969072 -1.095426
YO30 6BD 12 3 53.968678 -1.095511
YO30 6BE 10 0 53.968553 -1.09562
YO30 6BF 2 0 53.970458 -1.093301
YO30 6BG 67 0 53.970047 -1.094764
YO30 6BH 10 1 53.970862 -1.097903
YO30 6BJ 13 0 53.971383 -1.097876
YO30 6BL 19 2 53.970868 -1.098695